What is multi-polar and multilateralism?

Multi-polar and multilateralism refer to concepts in international relations. In summary, multi-polar describes a distribution of power among multiple major actors on the global stage, while multilateralism refers to the collaborative approach among nations to address common challenges through international institutions and agreements.

What is the UN Security Council?

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for maintaining international peace and security. It has primary responsibility for the authorization of military intervention and the imposition of sanctions against states that threaten or breach peace. The UNSC has 15 members, consisting of five permanent members with veto power (China, France, […]

Who are the Houthis and what is going on in the red sea?

The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, are a Yemeni rebel group that emerged in the early 2000s. The group originated from the Zaidi Shia Muslim community and took its name from its founder, Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi. The Houthis have been involved in multiple conflicts in Yemen, particularly against the Yemeni government and its allies. As for the situation in […]