What is multi-polar and multilateralism?

Multi-polar and multilateralism refer to concepts in international relations. In summary, multi-polar describes a distribution of power among multiple major actors on the global stage, while multilateralism refers to the collaborative approach among nations to address common challenges through international institutions and agreements.

What is the National Security Council?

According to the White House. According to Wikipedia. The National Security Council (NSC) is a key advisory body in the United States government responsible for providing the President with advice on matters related to national security and foreign policy. It was established in 1947 by the National Security Act and operates within the Executive Office of the President. The NSC […]

What is student council?

A student council is a representative body elected by students in a school or college to address student-related issues and facilitate communication between students and school administration. The primary purpose is to provide a platform for students to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas, as well as to contribute to the improvement of the school environment. Examples of student council […]

What is a duopoly?

A duopoly is a market structure in which two companies or firms dominate and control the majority of the market share for a particular product or service. This situation often leads to reduced competition, potentially resulting in higher prices and limited choices for consumers. Here are three examples of duopolies: Alright, imagine you and a friend are really good at […]


The word “conviction” has a few different meanings depending on the context: Belief or strong opinion: It can refer to a firmly held belief or opinion about something, often based on personal values, principles, or experiences. For example, “She has a deep conviction that honesty is crucial in all relationships.” Certainty or firmness: It can also mean a state of […]

What are governmental public private partnerships?

Governmental Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are collaborations between government agencies and private sector entities to deliver public services or infrastructure projects. These partnerships are formed to leverage the strengths of both sectors, with the government providing public resources, regulatory oversight, and sometimes funding, while the private sector brings expertise, innovation, and often financing to the table. Here are some examples of […]


The word “consequence” refers to the result, outcome, or effect of an action, event, decision, or situation. It often implies that something follows naturally from a preceding action or condition. Consequences can be both positive and negative, and they can vary in significance and impact. In essence, consequences are the things that happen as a direct or indirect result of […]

What does hegemony mean?

Hegemony is a term used in political science and international relations to describe a situation in which one country, group, or entity exercises dominant influence or control over others, either directly or indirectly. It is a concept that goes beyond mere physical or military control and encompasses the ability to shape the preferences, beliefs, and actions of other states or […]

What does it mean to weaponize?

To “weaponize” means to adapt or use something, often a tool, technology, or information, as a weapon or to turn it into a weapon. This can involve modifying or repurposing an object or concept originally designed for a different purpose in order to cause harm, exert control, or gain an advantage over others. Weaponization can take various forms: In many […]

What are governmental sanctions?

Governmental sanctions are official measures imposed by one government or a group of governments against another country, entity, or individual to influence their behavior, typically due to a perceived violation of international law, human rights abuses, threats to national security, or other geopolitical concerns. Sanctions are a form of economic, political, or diplomatic pressure and can take various forms, including […]