
The word “truth” refers to the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality. In other words, truth is a concept that signifies that something is accurate, genuine, or correct. Truth is often contrasted with falsehood or deception, as it implies honesty, accuracy, and the absence of deceit. Key points about truth: For example, if you say, […]


The word “facts” refers to objective, verifiable pieces of information that are based on reality and can be proven to be true or false. Facts are typically not influenced by personal opinions, beliefs, or emotions; they are empirical and can be confirmed through evidence, observation, or reliable sources. In essence, facts are statements or data that are accepted as accurate […]


The word “censorious” is an adjective that describes someone who is excessively critical, fault-finding, or inclined to judge and condemn the actions, behavior, or opinions of others, often in a harsh or severe manner. A censorious person tends to focus on the flaws, mistakes, or perceived wrongdoings of others and may express disapproval or criticism readily.


“Externalities” is a term used in economics to describe the unintended side effects or consequences of an economic activity that affect individuals or entities not directly involved in that activity. These effects can be positive or negative and are often referred to as external costs or external benefits. Externalities can occur in various economic activities, such as production, consumption, or […]

Examples of systems:

These examples illustrate the diverse range of systems in different fields and contexts, each with its own set of components and functions working together to achieve specific goals or purposes.


The word “system” is a noun with a broad range of meanings, but at its core, it typically refers to a set of interconnected or interrelated elements or components that work together to perform a specific function, achieve a particular purpose, or produce certain outcomes. Systems can be found in various fields and contexts, including science, technology, sociology, and everyday […]


The word “milieu” is a noun that refers to the environment, surroundings, or context in which something exists or occurs. It often implies the social, cultural, or intellectual atmosphere in which a particular person, group, or thing is situated. It can also refer to the specific setting or backdrop that influences the way something develops or functions. For example, you […]


The word “deleterious” is an adjective that describes something that has a harmful, damaging, or detrimental effect on something else, often used in the context of health, well-being, or the overall quality of something. For example, if a substance or action is said to have deleterious effects on one’s health, it means that it is causing harm or negative consequences […]

What is propaganda?

Propaganda is a form of communication that is used to manipulate or influence people’s beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and behaviors in a systematic and often misleading or biased manner. It is typically disseminated through various media channels, including newspapers, radio, television, social media, and other forms of mass communication. The primary goal of propaganda is to shape public perception and opinion […]

What is a hermaphrodite?

In biological terms, a hermaphrodite refers to an organism that possesses both male and female reproductive organs or characteristics. This condition is also known as intersex in humans. Hermaphroditism is relatively common in many animal and plant species, and it can manifest in different ways. It’s important to note that in human medicine, the term “intersex” is more commonly used […]