56 NAACP Image Awards

So my favorite categories would be documentaries and podcast for sure. This year I plan to explore television & streaming more. I have been underground since 2018 and I’ve been in server work mode since 2021. I made an attempt to balance my life November 2023 and 2024 was the most relaxed that I’ve been since 2016. I am blown […]

2023 Movie: “You People” | Directed By Kenya Barris

Definitely best movie of 2023. Don’t judge me but I just say this movie tonight for the first time. Shoutout to Cory for some awesome movie suggestions!!! They have all be great!!! Full moment of transparency, I have literately not watch movies in years and I am generally behind. But this movie what the absolute best movie of 2023 and […]

What are birth certificates?

What are birth certificates? What do we need them? Do we have to have them? When were they established? What is the history behind them? What Are Birth Certificates? A birth certificate is an official document issued by a government authority that records the birth of a person. It typically includes key information such as: Birth certificates serve as a […]