‧98.8K subscribers
‧35 videos
  • Excellent commentary
  • 6:03…there are no rounds…lol
    • I was trying to figure out what round we were on
  • 6:49…30 different angle over 3 different beats
  • 7:43…Drake IG story…not safe the last dance
  • 8:21…4D chest animay plot territory
  • 12:53…7 laughing emajoes…2 emojor I buy…4 emjoris ~ maybe.
  • 13:09…Aubrey Weinstein…yikes

Video Critic 19 out of 20 starts

Creativity: 5 out of 5

Depth of Content: 4 out of 5

Accurate Critic of The Culture: 5 out of 5

Background graphics: 5 out of 5

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