• Go prepare the victuals
    • I know what I’ve put there for you but you can’t enjoy it the way that you want to enjoy it until you make sure your brethren can enjoy it too
    • from 2020 up until now the wealthy people of America have doubled their wealth
  • this game is the great equalizer
    • yourself if something happened today or tomorrow would you be in survival mode or would you be in protection mode
    • we can take it for a joke but I promise you in the thicker wall ain’t nothing to laughing matter
  • they always say you’ll have some money on the side for a rainy day but what happens when the rain turns into a hurricane what happens when the hurricane turns into a sanami matter of fact what happened when the sanami turns into 40 days and 40 nights and you ain’t got your financial art bill
  • it’s not just financial suicide it’s premeditated financial suicide because you know your situation need to be better you know your situation is dire but yet you ain’t doing nothing to change the trajectory you too comfortable in the chaos
  • Tupac told us something a long time ago and I think we missed it say you can’t go to war unless your money right
    • war why money land wars about one thing was about money was about land was about resources whoever got the resources and win the war
    • got a money printer y’all this is the financial equalizer this is how we build our financial art
  • the worst time to learn how to swim is when you’re drowning the worst time to learn how to swim is when you drown it the best time to learn how to swim is when you got people around to teach you is when you’re in a different space
    • The best time to attach someone is when they are not prepared.
    • I don’t care what interest rates look like what’s the interest you’re paying for not knowing how to do this what’s the interest you paying for not knowing how to invest what’s the interest you paying for living check to check what’s the interest you’re paying for not having enough money in the stock market what’s the interest you’re paying for not knowing how to invest your money in real estate what’s the interest you’re paying for not knowing how to start a business what’s the interest you pay for not being financially literate in the world that’s printing money and we see the have prepared for something we ain’t ready for what’s the answers you’re paying on that and then my next question to that is what does it cost you for not being prepared what does it cost you for not knowing
  • financial Armageddon is on the way the financial Armageddon y’all so fight between a good and the evil force
  • I may pay 5 million on the front end but in a span of 10 years it’s going to save me that you expendable I need you to know that in America you as humans are expendable because the robots come and take your job the robots come and take how you make a living
  • 10 wealthiest companies in the world
  • you can think it’s all funny you can think it’s laughs and games you can think that all you want but every day they prepare to put a computer in your place and every day somebody somewhere else is preparing to attack us what do you do in the computer that took your job you can’t make no money and the people coming to attack and you ain’t got no money to survive you ain’t ready that’s what you are right now you are financial POW
  • Financial POW

that the market does reward patient and it also recovers every time it falls

3.7 million calls 3.3 million puts 7.1 million in total

word on the street

“the blueprint the blueprint is gold but the instinct is gonna give me the advantage

the stock market is a forward-looking mechanism

you could go be on the workforce but there’s a portion of your work money that you gotta make work for you because that’s what’s gonna free you


  • apple is a juggernaut is because one it has more shares than anybody else on the market that’s one two you cannot discredit the 1.5 billion apple users t
  • you got apple at $3 trillion you got Microsoft at 2.95 trillion that’s gonna be a battle
  • Netflix goes raw for 5 billion Netflix to stream WWE Raw starting next year in its biggest jump into live entertain
  • alphabet Google at 1.5 trillion Amazon 1.6 you know right at 2 trillion invidia 1.4 trillion watch this watch somebody say about to say something that I want them to pay attention to what I’m about to say right here bye quarter 2 NVIDIA will pass up Amazon and alphabet by the end of Q2 we talking summer Jennifer March April may June January February March April may June by the end of June going into July listen to me well by the end of June going into July invidia will pass up Amazon and alphabet
  • Tesla gonna be replaced by Eli Lilly now it’s all people this Jose I told people this I said we got a magnificent 7 that’s the Paul Kramer didn’t cop me off but now they’re trying they gonna start copy me on it I say you really gotta magnificent 8 and what episode we said it Jose go look it up I said we got a magnificent 7 but we really got a magnificent 8 if we add in Eli Lilly because guess what Eli Lilly right now is a 6600 and 42 billion episode 47 episode
  • I promise you between Netflix and between Amazon you gonna make a lot of money and YouTube Google that’s why I think they’re not gonna go nowhere but between Amazon Netflix and YouTube

  • poverty doesn’t have a ethnicity that it that it focuses on but neither does well if we all get the information and the education to play the game
  • Facebook just invested $10 billion in buying NVIDIA chips Amazon trying to take over the world one sector at a time India is trying to fund the chips that’s gonna run the world Eli Lilly trying to make sure everybody gets slim in the world cause 79% of America is obese apple wanna make sure everybody got a apple phone YouTube will make sure you on YouTube and Gmail Uber gonna make so people don’t gotta use calves no more rap kings making sure everybody doing sports betting I’m just saying we watching the streaming wars we’re not using cable TV no more we watching the world change in front of our face but yet we decide in the party and be entertained and we not making the decision to be educated so when we get into the financial Armageddon now we blaming everybody but ourselves because we ain’t prepared
  • 100,000 shares 200,000 shares is a whole different conversation I promise you that and you know how you do that you use the options market you know how you do that you use the money you working for you keep buying ownership in the companies that you already see taking over the world I ain’t saying nothing about the companies that you use I say you buy ownership in the companies that you see taking over the world and you buy as much of them as you can because
  • Mark Zuckerberg spends $10 billion on invidia chip and another 10 billion word on the way so Mark Zuckerberg bought 350 thousand of those NVIDIA chips I think it’s the HQ one I made saying it wrong it’s the eight something 100 but he says he’s gonna need about another 600 more to do his entire infrastructure so he going AI mark is going for the gusto