For me there were at least two experiences in my youth where I was approached by demonic spirits that wanted to use the power of my influence and the purity of my anointing to turn hearts and minds towards him.
The first time that I experienced this was early on in my teenage years. Even at a young age God had given me a knack for entrepreneurship. The idea that I had even at the tender age of 14 or 15 years old what’s the create a drug dispensary. I discovered marijuana early on and always felt that it was good beneficial and should be used for both medicinal and potentially recreational purposes. I would even argue that recreation could be medicinal in some ways. The vision that I had would have made Studio 54 look like a kindergarten playground.
In my mind I had a full out concept, plan and marketing strategy. The enemy at that point wanted me to fully accept and embrace his plan for my life. The promise was richest the pleasure and enjoyment. Based on the vision and idea that I come up with I knew that my venue would be like nothing the world had ever seen. That same day my spiritual mother came to the house to visit me. The thought in my mind was do not answer the door and definitely don’t tell her about your plan or vision.
I remember her specifically saying “even if you were the biggest devil that there was you still wouldn’t be able to rival Satan because he’s not gonna let anyone sit on his throne. And you would have to go get permission from the one who has to go get permission when you have direct access to the source.” Believe it or not this snapped me right out of the reality that I was considering because it made so much sense to me logically.
The second time this conversation and promise of influence was presented to me was when I was in college. I understood fully that I had the power of influence and that I was a natural born leader. When I was younger my body was snatched men made it clear that they were interested in it and they would do or pay whatever it took to get access to it. I personally found this to be disgusting and very manipulative. I saw right through their words and could see the intentions of their heart. From a young age guy gave me a very strong sense of discernment. When I saw older men coming on to me during my teenage years… some of which were married… I found this to be disgusting. It turned my stomach in such a way that I had the thought ‘f*ck this n*ggas, I’m gonna take her for all they’re worth. You only have one thing in mind well then so do I! I’m not giving you sh*t and by the time you realize that…you would have wasted your time I’ll be like Enron.
While I was in college no decline I distinctly remember laying on my bed while in my dorm room and having a strong thought almost like a vision of what my life could be if I yielded my influence to Satan’s control. Mentally I was having thoughts of intoxication of how easy is would be for me to manipulative the minds of those who had bad intentions. The self righteous part of me viewed it a little like Robinhood. Immediately I thought to myself I must really have a gift Lord help me to use it only for your glory.
From that time to now I’ve been extremely careful with how I manage govern and steward the gifts that God has given me of influence in power. I understand now why he made me the way that he did. In many ways he is giving me a behind the scenes and inside view into the lives of so many. I’m distant from most my circle is small and I do this to protect others. I know that my life is an assignment and that everything is fleeting. Everything that is tangible will pass away. I don’t entertain relationships because I have no attachment to them. During this season all of my time is dedicated to an audience of one. He is my assignment and I am his. I have no doubt that had I yielded my gifts to the Kingdom of darkness I would have effectively destroyed so many. Even to this day I am mindful of the conversations that I entertain and remain always careful to be a good steward of the power and influence that he’s given me. Tried, tested and battle ready!
I’ve had at least 3 experiences with death… I have not fear of it. When I leave here I’m headed home.
I learned early on by way of the spirit about demonic ranking. I understood how the enemy wanted to use me to recruit, influence and captivate. He told me when I was in college that I was crafty. I rejected that because I understood the connotation of what he wanted me to accept as true. He wanted me to embrace a spirit of manipulation. He wanted to corrupt, distort and destroy my gift. I understood the power dynamic.