if every racist could speak from eternity… they would all repent. Racism is the tool and weapon that Satan uses that condemns people to hell.

He literally blinds the eyes of the racist so that he could take possession of their will. For the moment they feel empowered. But for those who have died and passed on…if they could speak from the grave…if eternity would allow them to utter one word… They would tell those who are still here among the living…”Don’t come here. You are being deceived.”

For those who are racist and have a mindset of supremacy and superiority, it’s only ignorance, arrogance, and pride that causes you to doubt the truth of this spirit.

If every thought and mindset that you built your life on was a lie… you would still believe it.

Study out cognitive dissonance! You are believing the story that you are telling yourself. And in that story, you will always be right and justified. There is a reality, however that exist outside of your mind. Your arrogance, pride and ignorance keeps you from seeing it. You are very doubt of this reality keeps you stuck in the one that you currently live.

Please take a moment to notice that you never leave the box that you live in. What you don’t realize is that box was created for you, and with every decision that you’ve made causes you to embrace the way that you’ve chosen to decorate it.

You are a slave to your own imagination.