Commodities are basic goods or raw materials that are interchangeable with other goods of the same type. They are often used as inputs in the production of other goods and services. Commodities are typically traded on markets, and their prices are determined by supply and demand.

Examples of Commodities

1. Agricultural Commodities: Wheat, corn, coffee, cotton, and sugar.

2. Energy Commodities: Crude oil, natural gas, coal, and gasoline.

3. Metal Commodities: Gold, silver, copper, and aluminum.

4. Livestock Commodities: Cattle and hogs.

Characteristics of Commodities

Standardization: Each unit of a commodity is nearly identical, regardless of the producer.

Global Market: They are traded worldwide on commodity exchanges.

Price Volatility: Prices can fluctuate due to geopolitical events, weather conditions, or economic changes.

Examples of Commodity Exchanges

Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT): Handles agricultural commodities.

New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX): Focuses on energy products.

London Metal Exchange (LME): Specializes in industrial metals.

Commodities are essential for global trade and investment, with traders, investors, and companies using them as a hedge against inflation or market risks.

what are commodities selling to us?

fame, influence, luxury lifestyle, none of which have a real substance

they are like mascots puppets, not masters…

we’ve been convinced that we have opps, when our only art is the prince of the air and no point in time do we wrestle against flesh and blood, but principalities in spiritual wickedness in high places.

it’s time to wake up. Most of these people don’t even on her own image they gave that away. For the things that I mentioned earlier. There is hope moving and surrender humility and repentance will be required.