A duopoly is a market structure in which two companies or firms dominate and control the majority of the market share for a particular product or service. This situation often leads to reduced competition, potentially resulting in higher prices and limited choices for consumers.

Here are three examples of duopolies:

  1. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo in the soft drink industry: Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are two major players in the global soft drink market, collectively holding a significant share. Their rivalry is a classic example of a duopoly.
  2. Boeing and Airbus in the commercial aircraft manufacturing industry: Boeing and Airbus are the primary competitors in the market for large commercial aircraft. Both companies dominate the industry, forming a duopoly with limited competitors.
  3. Visa and MasterCard in the credit card industry: Visa and MasterCard are two major credit card companies that collectively dominate the global credit card market. Many consumers use credit cards issued by either Visa or MasterCard, illustrating a duopoly in the payment processing industry.

Alright, imagine you and a friend are really good at selling a cool new gadget that everyone wants. In fact, both of you are so good that together, you’re the only ones selling this gadget in town. Now, because you two are the only sellers, you pretty much control the whole market for this gadget.

This situation, where two companies or sellers dominate the market for a particular thing, is what we call a “duopoly.” It’s like a dynamic duo that runs the show because there’s no one else around to compete with you guys.

For example, think about the way Coca-Cola and Pepsi are everywhere when it comes to sodas. You rarely find other brands as big as them. That’s a duopoly in action – two big players ruling the soda world.

Another example could be the competition between Boeing and Airbus in making those huge airplanes that fly us around. They’re like the Batman and Superman of the aircraft industry, with not many others at their level.

So, duopoly is when two powerful players team up, either by competing fiercely or by just being the only major ones, and they pretty much call the shots in that particular market. It’s like having only two superheroes in town, and they’re the ones you go to for whatever they’re offering.