24 point action items
- Text “PPR” to 888.668.3744 for all updates and details.
- Get life insurance (both while life and team)
- Sure your passports
- Keep at least $1000, $3000, $5000 cash on hand
- Plant gardens and learn how to can
- Spend as much time as you can, record and write down as much history and advice as you can of your elders
- Read our recommended book list and join our book club
- Secure text messages communication and marketing system for your families.
- Watch Roland Martin Unfiltered daily and support them financially September 4, 2018
- Start a business
- Build a platform
- Ready and study the Word daily
- Follow us on Fanbase and invest in Fanbase
- Attend at least 6 school board meetings in a year
- Attend at least 12 county council meetings in a year
- Read Project 2025
- Get 24 people registered to vote
- Secure land in other countries
- Educate your children at home
- Become an expert at learning the government
- Prepare to run for office
- Master your memory and history
- Understand that integration is not necessary for God’s people to survive or thrive
- Connect, pray and fast
- Self defense classed
- firing rang
- canceled weapons permits
- Healthy eating & eating properly
- Getting rest
- get current vaccinations? Shingles, flu, tetanus shot, newphina,
- fasting
- hydrogen properly
- Real ID
- Financial Basics car insurance, mortgage, mortgage insurance, property tax
- CB Radio
- Eye contact & a smile
- Gard your gates (Some may feel that there’s no hope.)
- Watch your humor
- Family Reunion